Smiles 4 Schools Program
"Schools invest time in our patients and we want to make sure we return the favor."-Dr. Schumacher
In 2011, Dr. Chuck Schumacher started the program as a way to pay it forward by allowing patients and their schools to benefit from braces. Through Smiles 4 Schools, every time a student and parent make the decision to start treatment at Schumacher Orthodontics, Dr. Schumacher donates money back to that child’s school. To date, the program has donated nearly $125,000 and that amount continues to grow!
This program helps a variety of causes, such as: education foundations, senior scholarships, basic student needs, activity funds, ect. “Education is important and we want our patients to know that we support their schools. The best part about the program is it requires little to no effort on the part of the schools. Their students come to our office and we write the’s that simple.”